Estimation of the reachability sets and attraction sets for the supply networks with structural constraints by means of invariant ellipsoids


  • Yu. I. Dorofieiev National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


мережа поставок, множина досяжності, множина тяжіння, інваріантний еліпсоїд, лінійна матрична нерівність, задача напіввизначеного програмування


The estimation problem of reachability sets and attraction sets for the supply networks with structural constraints, the model of which is given in the form of a discrete model with delay in state space is investigated. The control law as a feed-back with respect to signal mismatch between the cash and safety stock levels with given unsymmetrical constraints is considered. The reachability sets and the attraction sets of such systems are described in terms of invariant ellipsoids using the technique of linear matrix inequalities and semidefinite programming.

Author Biography

Yu. I. Dorofieiev, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor of the Chair of System Analysis and Control


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How to Cite

Y. I. Dorofieiev, “Estimation of the reachability sets and attraction sets for the supply networks with structural constraints by means of invariant ellipsoids”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 122–128, Mar. 2015.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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