Study of the Structure and Tribological Properties of the Сomposite Plasma Steel Coatings


  • R. M. Mediukh Frantsevich Institute for Problem of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V. K. Mediukh Frantsevich Institute for Problem of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V. V. Prysiazhniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. F. Labunets National Aviation University, Kyiv
  • O. O. Skvortsov National Aviation University, Kyiv



plasma coatings, chemical-heat treatment, structure formation, wear resistance, steel IIХ18MВД


The characteristic features of structure formation , physical and mechanical properties of composite steel plasma coatings have been studied. Ferritic steel 11Х18МВД was used as the material for coatings. Depending on the modes of gas-thermal spraying a special porous coating structure is formed, which is one of their important characteristics. Under the optimal modes of steel 11X18MВД spraying the total porosity of the coating was 20…24 % and the maximum open porosity was 16…18 %.

Usually the porosity plays a positive role, increasing the tribomechanical properties of the parts during their operation, especially in the lubrication medium . However, during the operation of tribotechnical coatings under conditions of abrasive wear, porosity can worsen the working characteristics of the parts, therefore under these conditions the additional heat treatment was applied to improve the operational properties of plasma coatings. It promoted a high adhesion and formation of the required composition and heterogeneous structure on the surface, thereby significantly improving the coating properties.

The paper shows the expediency of combining the processes of gas-thermal spraying of plasma coatings with their subsequent diffusion saturation by means of chemical-heat treatment with chromium plating. After chromium plating at a temperature of 1100 °C and soaking during 3 h, the coating density increases and the number of micro voids in it decreases significantly, the structure becomes more uniform, the integrity of the coating increases. Chromium coating with the thickness of 10 µm is formed on the surface, the thickness of the diffusely saturated metal layer increases with a more uniform distribution of alloying elements along the depth.

The study of the tribomechanical properties of the investigated coatings showed a significant improvement in their operational characteristics under conditions of various types of intensive wear.

Author Biographies

R. M. Mediukh, Frantsevich Institute for Problem of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Researcher of the Department of Termomechanical Processing of Refractory Materials

V. K. Mediukh, Frantsevich Institute for Problem of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research Assistant??) of the Department of Functional Materials for Medical Application

V. V. Prysiazhniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Information Communication Systems and Technologies

V. F. Labunets, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Chair of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering

O. O. Skvortsov, National Aviation University, Kyiv

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Applied Mechanics and Materials Engineering


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Abstract views: 136



How to Cite

R. M. Mediukh, V. K. Mediukh, V. V. Prysiazhniuk, V. F. Labunets, and O. O. Skvortsov, “Study of the Structure and Tribological Properties of the Сomposite Plasma Steel Coatings”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 54–60, Aug. 2023.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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