Investigation of Properties of Urea-formaldehyde Thermal Insulating Material Using Mineral Fillers


  • V. V. Unkovska Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk
  • T. E. Rymar Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk


carbamideformaldehyde resin, mineral filler, granular filler, foaming, hardening, density, strength characteristics, structure


The creation of new and perfection of traditional building materials belong to the number of major scientifically — technical problems of contemporaneity. In an equal degree it touches technology of various heat-insulation materials. Especially it is topically for their application in civil and industrial building and reconstruction of existent housing fund.

Foam-based on the basis of urea oligomers is one of the first heat-insulating materials, which have found wide application as a heat-insulating material. Heat-insulating materials based on foamed carbamide-formaldehyde resins have several advantages over other foamed polymeric materials. They are not flammable, they can be used to produce cheaper raw materials, the technology of foaming is simple to execute and does not require expensive equipment. Filling of foam can be carried out in forms in the conditions of the shop, as well as in the technological cavity of masonry of the walls of buildings on the site of construction.

In this article there have been investigated the properties of block thermal insulation materials made on basis of carbamideformaldehyde binder and granular filler based on liquid glass, obtained by chemical foaming using various mineral fillers. There has been considered the influence of fillers on density, compression strength and bending and block structure.

It is shown that the introduction into the urea formaldehyde composition of the mineral filler allows obtaining sufficiently strong and non-shrinking foam materials with low density indices and a homogeneous finely porous structure. In the study of the properties and structures of thermal insulation materials, it has been found that the best mineral filler is alabaster. The samples obtained with its use, are characterized by high porosity, which positively affects the thermal insulation characteristics of foam materials, and rather high strength indicators, which allows the material to be transported without significant damage.

Author Biographies

V. V. Unkovska, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Chemical Engineering and Ecology

T. E. Rymar, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Chemical Engineering and Ecology


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Abstract views: 171



How to Cite

V. V. Unkovska and T. E. Rymar, “Investigation of Properties of Urea-formaldehyde Thermal Insulating Material Using Mineral Fillers”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 7–11, Feb. 2018.



Civil engineering



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