Optimum control of electro security at performance of works in electric installations


  • Ye. A. Bondarenko Vinnytsia National Technical University


оптимізація, електротравма, ризик, електрична енергія, електробезпека, захист, оцінка ризику, збитки.


Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Post-Doctoral Student of the Chair of Electric Stations and Systems

Author Biography

Ye. A. Bondarenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

A modern approach to the improvement of the electrical security system that is based on optimal control of the system by minimizing the total socioeconomic expenditures on electrical safety measures is suggested in the paper the implementation of which will reduce the risk of the acceptable level of the risk indicator from electrical energy defeat.


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Abstract views: 189

How to Cite

Y. A. Bondarenko, “Optimum control of electro security at performance of works in electric installations”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 60–65, Apr. 2014.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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