Achieving partially invariance of the open at the bottom hydrostatic transducer to disturbing factors


  • V. O. Kondratets Kirovograd National Technical University
  • A. M. Matsui Kirovograd National Technical University


інваріантність, гідростатичний перетворювач, збурюючі фактори, похибка


The results of theoretical studies aimed at ridding the influence of disturbing factors on the testimony of the open bottom of the hydrostatic transducer are presented in the paper. It is proved that there is a possibility completely to exclude the dependence of indications on the state of hydrostatic converters air in it, changes in atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature and pulp density. The achieved partially invariance of the transducer to disturbing factors provides high identification accuracy level and pressure of the pulp. 

Author Biographies

V. O. Kondratets, Kirovograd National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automation of Productive Processes

A. M. Matsui, Kirovograd National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Automation of Productive Processes


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How to Cite

V. O. Kondratets and A. M. Matsui, “Achieving partially invariance of the open at the bottom hydrostatic transducer to disturbing factors”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 9–15, Mar. 2015.



Automation and information-measuring equipment



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