Improved algorithm of cluster analysis with the application of potential codes


  • M. M. Bykov
  • D. Ye. Balkhovskyi
  • A. Raimi


cluster analysis, potential codes, method of dynamic kernels


There had been suggested the algorithm for clusterization of large size of data sample, the description of which can be presented in different features spaces, with the application of potential codes. Its derivation is based on the idea of cluster analysis according to method of dynamic kernels. An algorithm foresees preliminary determination of clusters centres and the formation of kernels from a few selective points, with further forming of complete cluster by the search of kernels set and attributing to them the sample vectors in a way, which allows to get clusters minimizing the criterion of fitting of distances and their grades between the points of space. An algorithm is tested on a standard iris data file.


Abstract views: 105



How to Cite

M. M. Bykov, D. Y. Balkhovskyi, and A. Raimi, “Improved algorithm of cluster analysis with the application of potential codes”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 198–201, Nov. 2010.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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