Methods of Control and Assessment of the Quality of the Parameters of Solar Elements


  • P. F. Budanov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”
  • V. B. Kononov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”
  • V. Ye. Melnykov V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”



solar cell, control method, quality parameters, assessment, quality and quantity system, surface measurement, information and measurement system, photovoltaic module


The article analyzes the methods of control and assessment of the quality of solar cell parameters. It is noted that during long-term operation of photovoltaic modules, their gradual degradation occurs, both due to improper operation mode and under the influence of external factors on them. Degradation leads to a significant decrease in the productivity of photovoltaic modules, due to the deterioration of their main parameters.

It is proposed to use the following methods of control and assessment of the quality of solar cell parameters during operation of photovoltaic modules: electrical measurement method, short-term and long-term tests, infrared thermography, microscopy, spectroscopy, method of modeling the operation of a solar cell, remote monitoring method, method of comparison with reference values, method of ultrasonic diagnostics, method of assessing electrical characteristics, method of chemical analysis, method of stress tests, method of continuous quality control, method of sampling and testing, method of random sampling, method of fatigue testing, method of degradation modeling. When using methods for controlling and assessing the quality of solar cell parameters, defects can be detected that may lead to premature failure of the photovoltaic module.

It has been confirmed that the use of methods: output power measurement, short-term and long-term tests, optical methods, provides valuable information for analyzing the performance of solar cells, allows you to assess the condition of the elements and identify potential problems at an early stage, which is important for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of operation of photovoltaic modules.

It has been determined that the use of methods: modeling and simulation, remote monitoring ensures the efficiency and reliability of solar cells, reduces costs, and increases system performance.

It has been determined that the use of methods: comparative analysis, ultrasonic diagnostics, impedance analysis, chemical analysis, stress tests, quality control and assessment, ensures the reliability and durability of solar cells. It has been confirmed that the use of methods: implementation of a quality management system, random sampling, fatigue testing, degradation modeling ensures high product standards, increases consumer confidence and contributes to the sustainable development of energy systems.

It has been substantiated that the use of the described methods contributes to the control and assessment of the quality of solar cell parameters.

Author Biographies

P. F. Budanov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering

V. B. Kononov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering

V. Ye. Melnykov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NNI “Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering


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How to Cite

P. F. Budanov, V. B. Kononov, and V. Y. Melnykov, “Methods of Control and Assessment of the Quality of the Parameters of Solar Elements”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 78–86, Dec. 2024.






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