Analysis of Measures to Increase the Energy Efficiency of a Residential Building


  • D. V. Stepanov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. M. Rezydent Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. V. Martynenko Vinnytsia National Technical University



building energy consumption, energy efficiency class, specific thermal resistance, specific primary energy consumption, specific greenhouse gas emissions


The current state of energy efficiency of the housing stock and the share of energy consumed by residential buildings in the overall energy balance of the country are characterized. The relevance of increasing the energy efficiency of residential buildings is shown, which will allow to significantly reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, as well as reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. Ways to solve the problems of thermal modernization of buildings are analyzed, including energy certification, introduction of renewable energy sources and heat recovery in ventilation systems. The normative requirements for determining the main indicators of energy efficiency of the building, namely the specific thermal resistances of the enclosing structures and the specific energy consumption of the building for heating and cooling are given.

The energy efficiency class "D" was assigned to a new multi-apartment residential building with thermal resistances of the enclosure structures and gas boilers in the heated rooms according to the standards. Measures to increase the energy efficiency of the building are proposed and their impact on such indicators as specific energy consumption of heating and cooling, specific consumption of primary energy, specific emissions of greenhouse gases is estimated.

The effect of strengthening the thermal insulation of the external walls and the building covering was analyzed in comparison with the normative values of the reduced thermal resistance of the fences. The results of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gases due to the introduction of heat recovery of the ventilation system of built-in public spaces are shown. The effect of installing a condensing gas boiler and an air-to-water or air-to-air heat pump is given. The results of determining the effectiveness of the use of centralized heat supply to meet the needs of heating and hot water supply of a multi-apartment residential building were evaluated.

Keywords: building energy consumption, energy efficiency class, specific thermal resistance, specific primary energy consumption, specific greenhouse gas emissions.

Author Biographies

D. V. Stepanov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Thermal Power Engineering

D. M. Rezydent, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Thermal Power Engineering

V. V. Martynenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


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How to Cite

D. V. Stepanov, D. M. Rezydent, and V. V. Martynenko, “Analysis of Measures to Increase the Energy Efficiency of a Residential Building”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 62–67, Dec. 2024.






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