Mathematical Model of an Ultra-Highly Sensitive Grain Moisture Meter


  • Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • M. О. Skаletskа Vinnytsia National Technical University



grain, measurement, humidity, humidity control, measurement methods, absorption coefficient, traveling wave, waveguide, ultra high frequencies (UHF)


The article considers methods for measuring grain moisture. The authors carried out the analysis and selected significant parameters that affect the measurement of grain moisture. Methods and ways of grain moisture control are investigated. Modern technological methods of production of agricultural products are largely related to moisture content. The excess or lack of moisture in the material affects its physico-chemical, physico-mechanical and operational properties, as well as quality indicators. Quick and accurate determination of water content in a particular material, both in the production process and during operation, is the most important task. The accuracy and measurement errors of moisture content of moisture meters significantly depend on the density of materials and the parameters of the measurement medium. The optimal method for the most accurate measurement of humidity has been determined. Growing requirements for the quality and competitiveness of domestic agricultural products put forward new requests for the devices and facilities for express moisture control in most technological processes. Modern technological processes require universal devices that control the moisture content of a wide range of agricultural materials. Having analyzed in detail and determined the significant parameters that affect the measurement of grain moisture, the paper proposes mathematical model of ultra-high-frequency measuring transformation of the moisture of grain crops, the essence of which is to measure the power of this signal at the output of the waveguide when the grain moisture changes by using a traveling wave. By means of the analysis, carried out, the authors suggested the structural diagram of ultra-high-frequency humidity meter of cereal crops which realizes the mathematical model, proposed in the paper.

Author Biographies

Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Physics

M. О. Skаletskа, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Pоst-Grаduаte Student of the Chair оf Physics


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Abstract views: 87



How to Cite

Y. Y. Bilynskyi and Skаletskа M. О., “Mathematical Model of an Ultra-Highly Sensitive Grain Moisture Meter”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 87–91, Aug. 2023.



Radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing



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