Algorithm for Identification of Varieties and Energies of Charged Particles for Studying the Phenomenon of Seismic-Magnetospheric Correlation


  • N. V. Yezerskyi National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • A. V. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



algorithm, detector, terphenyl, SNR, crystal, AWGN, CubeSat, signal processing


An algorithm for identifying types and energies of high-energy elementary charged particles and its hardware implementation is proposed. The accuracy of the operation of the algorithm will to some extent depend on the impact of noise, which distorts the value sampled by the digital signal processing (DSP) module. Therefore, along with the development of the algorithm, it is necessary to check the influence of the noise used in the construction of the element base on the reliability of the data obtained when the signal is sampled by the DSP module. It is especially possible to change the count of the number of charged particles relating to particles with energies that lie on the border of energy ranges referred to other ranges. This will lead to a distortion of the recorded response in the detector system to the studied ionospheric disturbance. This disturbance manifests itself as an increase in the concentration of charge carriers in near-Earth plasma flows in response to seismic activity in a certain region of the planet. The construction of the module structure is based on the method of identifying the type of charged particles based on measurements of specific energy losses and total energy, or abbreviated ΔE–E method. It is used in the study of elementary acts of nuclear interactions, which makes it possible to classify the type and energy of a charged particle that has passed through a detector system formed by para-terphenyl scintillation crystals used in the experiment. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to accumulate the statistics of counted particles captured by the collimator device of the electron and proton recorder-analyzer in the Earth’s radiation belts. This will make it possible to study better the phenomenon of seismically magnetospheric correlation. The initial data for the construction of the algorithm are analytical considerations to facilitate the handling of arrays of extracted data and the results of simulation of the passage of charged particles detected in the telescopic system by simulation in the CERN GEANT4 software environment using the Monte Carlo method.

Author Biographies

N. V. Yezerskyi, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Рost-Graduate Student of the Chair of Applied Radio Electronics

A. V. , National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Applied Radio Electronics


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Abstract views: 80



How to Cite

N. V. Yezerskyi and A. V., “Algorithm for Identification of Varieties and Energies of Charged Particles for Studying the Phenomenon of Seismic-Magnetospheric Correlation”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 66–71, Jun. 2023.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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