Theoretical Foundations of Software Relativization in Technological Programming Systems


  • I. V. Redko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • M. O. Zylevich National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



concept, monad, composite, composition, reduction, programming environment, oracle schemes


The research claims the need for paradigmatic changes in the technological foundations of programming, which involve a transition from an individual-subjective programming paradigm to an intersubjective one. The proposed intersubjective paradigm is based on the understanding of programming as an activity conditioned by program likeness, and subject-oriented complementarity of its active and passive forms. To implement such a transition, the objectification of active-passive complementarity is considered, which is the main prerequisite for the real modernization of the understanding of programming as a reflexive-transitive closure of the programming analogy generated by the subject. The Determinant for the objectification of the active role of the subject in the context of technological programming environments is a concept — essence—simile, presented in the form of one or another specification. Passive constituent conditioning is objectified by similitude as a whole consequence of assimilation, namely by a program. To achieve this goal, a tool for logical-mathematical specifications of semantic-syntactic aspects of programming is proposed. This tool was tested on examples that demonstrated the general features of the application of the technological programming environment to the generation of subject-oriented technological programming systems and their use. In particular, the use of this tool allows to create more efficient technological programming systems that have higher quality and flexibility in performing tasks. The obtained results confirm the need for paradigmatic changes in the technological foundations of programming and are one of the possible options for solving the problem of paradigmatic changes and further technologization of programming, and also demonstrate the general features of the application of a technological programming environment for the generation of subject-oriented technological programming systems and their use.

Author Biographies

I. V. Redko, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of the Chair of Electronic Computing Equipment

M. O. Zylevich, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Electronic Computing Equipment


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How to Cite

I. V. Redko and M. O. Zylevich, “Theoretical Foundations of Software Relativization in Technological Programming Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 72–80, May 2023.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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