Functional-Cost Analysis of the “VALVETRONIC” System of “N-series” Engines of “BMW” Cars


  • D. V. Borysiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. Yo. Zelinskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University



functional cost analysis, , functional model, function classification, utility factor, priority matrix, cost factor, function utility diagram, function ranking diagram, functional cost diagram, cost function chart


Functional-cost analysis is a heuristic method of identifying opportunities to reduce the cost and improve the quality of the object, which is analyzed as a functionally oriented system at all stages of its life cycle.

The subject of the functional-cost analysis is the set of functions of the object under study and the costs of their provision. The object of the functional-cost analysis can be a product, a technological process, an organizational structure, a management method, that is, any engineering and economic decision that requires the expenditure of resources and involves multiple options for implementation. Different objects of functional-cost analysis have their own characteristics in relation to the performance of analytical work and, at the same time, there is much in common between them when conducting functional-cost analysis, in particular the rules of functional modeling, methods of finding solutions, evaluating the quality of performance of functions and determining costs for their implementation.

Functional-cost analysis of the “VALVETRONIC” system of “N-series” engines of “BMW” cars is presented in the article.

The functional model of the “VALVETRONIC” system of the “N-series” engines of “BMW” cars and the classification of the functions of its functional model have been developed.

The classification of functions of the functional model of the “VALVETRONIC” system of "N-series" engines of “BMW” cars is presented. The coefficient of usefulness of the “VALVETRONIC” system of the “N-series” engines of “BMW” cars was determined by constructing a matrix of priorities according to the known calculation method.

The generalizing criterion of costs in the design of technical or production systems takes into account costs at all stages of the life cycle of the system, for the assessment of which a cost matrix of the “VALVETRONIC” system of “N-series” engines of “BMW” cars is built, from which the cost factor is determined.

A diagram of the usefulness of the functions of the “VALVETRONIC” system of the “N-series” engines of “BMW” cars, ranking diagram of system functions relative to the utility factor, functional-cost diagram of the system, cost diagram of system functions, diagram of ranking of system functions relative to the cost factor, diagram of the values of the indicator of functional cost of system functions, diagram of ranking of system functions relative to the indicator of functional cost were built.

According to these diagrams, the functions of the “VALVETRONIC” system of the “N-series” engines of the “BMW” cars, which have a positive functional-cost index and the highest rating among the considered functions, are determined. Operations or functions that have the highest functional-cost index and rank are those operations, the improvement of which leads to further development of the system or achievement of the goal of the analysis.

Author Biographies

D. V. Borysiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

V. Yo. Zelinskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant of the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management


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Abstract views: 106



How to Cite

D. V. Borysiuk and V. Y. Zelinskyi, “Functional-Cost Analysis of the “VALVETRONIC” System of “N-series” Engines of ‘BMW’ Cars”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 72–81, Feb. 2023.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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