Analysis of the Efficiency of the Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions Admission Campaign and the Ways to Improve it Through the Information Technology Implementation


  • Kh. V. Zub Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • P. I. Zhezhnych Lviv Polytechnic National University



entrant, enrollment campaign, higher education institution, information system, recommendation system


The article considers the enrollment campaign of higher education institutions of Ukraine as one of the strategically important areas of their activities. The analysis of modern scientific research that considers the introductory campaign's organization and carrying out and their basic tendencies are defined. One of the priorities of higher education institutions, which needs constant research and improvement, is the search for and implementation of technological innovations, particularly during the introductory campaign. To determine possible ways to implement technologies that would give an effective result for the institution itself and applicants and society as a whole, the concept of the effectiveness of the introductory campaign is analyzed. The main indicators of efficiency are the quantitative and qualitative set of students according to the goals and opportunities of each educational institution. The peculiarities of the interaction of entrants as the target audience and the educational institution to provide the effectiveness of those indicators. To determine the target audience's information needs, authors present an analysis of the statistical data of the admission campaign of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Dataset included information about the 1st year full-time bachelor's program applicants. The analysis was carried out based on the following indicators: the number of applications for the state budget, the maximum possible number of budget places determined by the university, the priority of applications for admission, and external independent evaluation scores. The analysis allowed to identify current needs for applicants and educational institutions. In order to support the decision-making of applicants and solve the problems facing the university, it was proposed to implement an information system, the main components of which are the recommendation of possible educational programs for admission and evaluation of the success of admission. Following the limitations and requirements of this study and the objectives, set general requirements for the information system.

Author Biographies

Kh. V. Zub, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Social Communication and Information Activities

P. I. Zhezhnych, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Social Communication and Information Activities


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Abstract views: 489



How to Cite

K. V. Zub and P. I. Zhezhnych, “Analysis of the Efficiency of the Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions Admission Campaign and the Ways to Improve it Through the Information Technology Implementation”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 52–59, Jun. 2022.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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