About the Aspect of Evaluation of Development of a Road with the Support of a Navigator with a Barometric Altimeter


  • E. K. Rabinovych Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
  • I. V. Hrytsuk Kherson State Maritime Academy
  • M. K. Buravtsev Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
  • V. O. Zueiv Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
  • V. A. Makarov Vinnytsia National Technical University




remote monitoring, road vehicle, road slope, slope estimation, navigator, barometric altimeter, transportation, improved work forecasting


The technical condition of the road surface is an indicator that changes by chance. This circumstance complicates the possibility of its formalization and accounting. There is a need to directly measure the slope of the road surface.

The characteristics of this slope are important factors for planning the average speed and fuel economy of a motor vehicle. To solve the tasks set in the work as a methodological basis of the study used a systematic approach. In the changing conditions of the road system, the means of operational control based on intelligent transport systems are selected. The general technique of carrying out experimental scientific research of possibility of measurement of parameters of a real slope of the highway in real practice is developed.

Current practice requires a method of measuring the slope of the road to build its longitudinal profile, which provides rational accuracy, for example, 0.001 and does not require special tools and excessive labor, time and money. The chosen method should combine satellite signals with barometric altimeter readings with navigator support (BA method).

In general, the method of asthma is proven and does not require excessive time and labor. Today, to measure a new site, it is enough to perform 34 pairs of races in two directions, and then spend 45 hours on decryption of records and data processing.

Experimental testing and practical experience have shown that today to measure the slopes of the road and build its longitudinal profile with an error of up to 0.001 without the involvement of special services can recommend the use of manual GPS/GLONASS navigator with barometric altimeter.

Asthma has a high sensitivity, and therefore reacts sharply to changes in external conditions. It is important to follow the recommendations in the text on the method of measurement and processing.

Author Biographies

E. K. Rabinovych, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Named After Prof. M. Ya. Govorushchenko

I. V. Hrytsuk, Kherson State Maritime Academy

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Operation of Ship Power Plants

M. K. Buravtsev, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Engineer of the Chair of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Named After Prof. M. Ya. Govorushchenko

V. O. Zueiv, Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University

Assistant of the Chair of Technical Operation and Service of Cars Named After Prof. M. Ya. Govorushchenko

V. A. Makarov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automobile and Transport Management


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How to Cite

E. K. Rabinovych, I. V. Hrytsuk, M. K. Buravtsev, V. O. Zueiv, and V. A. Makarov, “About the Aspect of Evaluation of Development of a Road with the Support of a Navigator with a Barometric Altimeter”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 60–67, Apr. 2022.



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