Development of Biocomposites Filled with Products of Recycling of Secondary Raw Materials of Plant Origin


  • V. P. Kashytskyi Lutsk National Technical University
  • O. L. Sadova Lutsk National Technical University
  • O. V. Zabolotnyi Lutsk National Technical University
  • V. M. Malets Lutsk National Technical University
  • V. S. Mazurok Lutsk National Technical University



biocomposite material, structure, pore, crack, compressive strength


The article presents the results of the analysis of the composition and forming technology of biocomposite materials based on an adhesive (bone glue K3,5) and disperse fillers obtained by processing of secondary raw materials of plant origin (coffee grounds with high dispersion of particles, mechanically crushed dried leaves, coconut coir and grains stalks. The content of fillers in biocomposite materials varied in the range of 80…130 wt. parts. This is the optimal content of particles in the biopolymer matrix. Samples formed by mechanically mixing a solution of bone glue with the processed filler. Then the resulting biocomposition pressed into a mold. Homogeneity and continuity of the biopolymer matrix is ensured by a step-by-step heat treatment of biocomposite materials. The optimal content of fillers was determined by the results of analysis of experimental studies of the compressive strength of cylindrical samples. The highest values of the compressive strength (78,02 MPa) have biocomposite materials containing 190 wt. parts of particles of grain stalks. The macrostructure of the developed biocomposite materials analyzed. Biocomposite materials filled with particles of crushed dried leaves have the largest number of macroscopic defects after heat treatment. A large number of pores and cracks were found in these samples. The least number of defects have biocomposites filled with particles of crushed grains stalks, which confirmed by the obtained values of the compressive strength. The developed biocomposite materials can use for fabrication elements of furniture and floor, elements of a decor of salon of vehicles, containers and cases of devices.

Author Biographies

V. P. Kashytskyi, Lutsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Materials Science

O. L. Sadova, Lutsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Materials Science

O. V. Zabolotnyi, Lutsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and Research

V. M. Malets, Lutsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of materials Science

V. S. Mazurok, Lutsk National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student the Chair of Materials Science


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Abstract views: 215



How to Cite

V. P. Kashytskyi, O. L. Sadova, O. V. Zabolotnyi, V. M. . Malets, and V. S. Mazurok, “Development of Biocomposites Filled with Products of Recycling of Secondary Raw Materials of Plant Origin”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 95–102, Mar. 2022.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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