Eelectric Network Operation Planning with Renewable Energy Sources


  • О. S. Bohomolova National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



mode planning, solar generation, active power, universal generation coefficient, electric network mode, schedule coordination


Planning the production of capacity by solar (SPP) and wind (WPP) power plants is an important aspect to ensure the optimal mode of operation of the electricity network and the design and development of these power plants. The increase in the installed capacity of SPP and WPPs has led to significant difficulties in terms of operation, management and planning of power system modes. The geographical location of the SPP (WPP) significantly affects the generation capacity. Therefore, forecasting the output capacity of a particular photovoltaic or wind turbine is important in assessing the potential locations of such power plants. The developed target function based on the universal generation coefficient allows determining the optimal place of SPP and WPP connection. Because of the peak power generation of SPP in the daily load failure, there is a surplus of production in the power system. Reconciliation of SPP generation and winding schedules is possible by shifting the peak load of consumers or by adjusting the inverter connection scheme, i.e by changing the SPP power supply scheme. The application of the generation coefficient for short-term determination of the power of solar and wind generation in the nodes of the electric network when planning its operating modes is considered. A method of matching the power generation of SPP (WPP) taking into account the static characteristics of the load is proposed. Excess power from SES and WPPs is proposed either to be dispensed to the external network, if it is technically possible, or to create its own reserve to reduce the difference in imbalance when working on a real schedule. The presented planning method allows providing the maximum level of generation of active power of a renewable energy source at observance of safety zones of mode parameters and a minimum of power losses in a network. The use of a universal generation factor allows determining the optimal generation power of the source of SES and WPP, which will reduce energy losses in the network and improve the voltage of the network.

Author Biography

О. S. Bohomolova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant of the Chair of Electrical Networks and Systems


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Abstract views: 158



How to Cite

Bohomolova О. S., “Eelectric Network Operation Planning with Renewable Energy Sources”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 21–25, Dec. 2021.






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