Classification of Risks in Trucking by Motor Transport


  • N. V. Tarelnyk Sumy National Agrarian University



risk, motor transport, trucking, logistics, system, management


The current state of trucking by motor transport is analyzed in the work. It is shown that the field of motor transport is a complex man-made system, the activities of which are accompanied by various risks that threaten the activities of logistics companies. It is proved that today there are differences in the interpretation of the nature of risk, there are insufficiently substantiated methodological approaches to risk classification, little-studied methodological approaches to determining possible losses of transport enterprises. It is substantiated that the process of transformation of economic relations in Ukraine requires deepening of theoretical and practical refinements on risk management of the economic activity.

The review of scientific works showed that the problem of classification of risks, which often arise in trucking by motor transport, was not paid the necessary attention. The lack of a systematic approach to the analysis and classification of risks in transportation significantly hinders insurance companies from insuring load during transportation. This is especially true for motor transport with a constant change in the logistics of the selected routes, which depends on both the driver and the relevant infrastructure in the presence of increased risks. Thus, there is an urgent necessity to develop a system of risk classification for trucking by motor transport.

The purpose of the work is formulated, which is to increase the economic safety of trucking by motor transport and which is achieved due to the interest of insurance companies in the organization of insurance protection of owners of both loads and motor transport, which in turn can be achieved by investigation the set and classification of risks during transportation.

The author has developed a classification of risks that arise during trucking by motor transport. The proposed classification of risks allows their systematization, which in turn allows to construction of a rational system of risk management during logistics activities.

Author Biography

N. V. Tarelnyk, Sumy National Agrarian University

Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Technical Systems Design


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Abstract views: 823



How to Cite

N. V. Tarelnyk, “Classification of Risks in Trucking by Motor Transport”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 92–98, Aug. 2021.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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