The Relevance of Usage of Gas Condensing Boilers for Heating of Low-rise Housing


  • V. R. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. V. Sukhov Vinnytsia National Technical University



natural gas, energy efficiency of condensing gas boilers



The problem of energy conservation and energy efficiency are of great strategic importance for the development of the country’s economy. The construction sector is one of the largest consumers of fuel and energy resources, accounting for up to 40 % of all energy resources consumed in the country. Increasing the share of low-rise housing requires an increase in the cost of building materials and energy resources for the upkeep of the building, which in turn requires the introduction of innovative technologies for the use of energy resources.

The study is devoted to the analysis of the use of natural gas for the heat of providing low-rise housing. The modern trends of growth of volumes of low-rise housing which require increase of material and energy resources at the stage of construction and operation are revealed. Organizational and economic measures and mechanisms for reducing the use of natural gas are shown. The ecological aspects of natural gas combustion in comparison with other extractive carbohydrates are disclosed. The ways of reducing the environmental load on the environment when using gas condensing boilers are shown. The advantages of condensing gas boilers over convection gas boilers are given. The economic advantages and technological peculiarities of the use of condensation technologies in heating of low-rise residential buildings are shown.

The mechanism of formation and ways of utilization of acid condensate, which is formed during the combustion of natural gas, are considered. The composition of flue gases and acid condensate is presented. Methods of gas condensate utilization are suggested. The perspective of reduction of natural gas consumption by accumulation of acid condensate and subsequent extraction of thermal energy using heat pumps is shown.

Author Biography

V. R. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Urban Planning and Architecture


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How to Cite

V. R. Serdiuk and V. V. Sukhov, “The Relevance of Usage of Gas Condensing Boilers for Heating of Low-rise Housing”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 28–34, Oct. 2019.






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