Development of the Software Module for Automation of Data Processing for Delivery of Medical Products


  • I. V. Varchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. L. Melnyk Vinnytsia National Technical University



desktop application, software module, data processing, information analytical system, medical products, service management workflows


Today, the issue of automating the management and monitoring of work processes, not only at service stations, but also at enterprises as a whole, is becoming increasingly important. Specialized information systems or software modules allow to save time on working with templates, analyze processes, track set goals and automatically generate recommendations. The work is devoted to solving these issues in the field of automation of data processing for the supply of medical goods using a specialized software module. An analysis of analogues was conducted, which determined that the main disadvantages of existing solutions that require elimination are the expansion of the functionality of medical supplies and the ease of finding information about a product, supplier, composition, which is the purpose of this study. To achieve this goal, a set of system models was developed in UML notation, a database structure for the optimal presentation of all subject area information and algorithms for processing this data. The proposed models and algorithms were implemented in a software module to automate data processing in the supply of medical goods. The client part has a convenient and intuitive interface for quick user interaction with the system and its database in real time. The system is designed as a desktop application (desktop application) written in C # using object-oriented programming. Module data is stored in MS SQL database. The software module contains forms for managing the relevant operations using the database, namely: the authorization form, the main window form displaying the list of consumables ordered, information about the compositions, suppliers, products that contain controllers for working with various operations in the Database, and directly form for delivery. When testing a software product, a number of advantages were identified that would allow to enter the market and be competitive: a simple and intuitive interface was created; automated direct connection of suppliers and customers; implemented several types of users in the system.

Author Biographies

I. V. Varchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of System Analysis, Computer Monitoring and Engineering Graphics

O. L. Melnyk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Computer Systems and Automation


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Abstract views: 301



How to Cite

I. V. Varchuk and O. L. Melnyk, “Development of the Software Module for Automation of Data Processing for Delivery of Medical Products”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 59–66, Aug. 2019.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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