Determination of Economic Advisable Distances of Automobile Delivery on Autoservice Enterprise


  • Yu. Kh. Savin 1National Transport University, Kyiv
  • M. V. Mytko National Transport University, Kyiv



cars, motor transport enterprises, cost of delivery, expedient delivery distances, car service companies, current repair, maintenance, centralized-specialized production


In order to increase the efficiency of the operation of motor transport enterprises, the structure of production units for maintenance and repair of cars should be determined by the scope of work, taking into account the cost of implementation of the unit labor complexity of works. In case of inappropriateness of creating or maintaining an MTE of separate production units, maintenance and repairs of cars should be carried out at specialized service centers.

Therefore, with the improvement of the structure of production units of motor transport enterprises, it is important to provide economically expedient delivery distances for maintenance works and repair of cars by co-operation in car service companies, which provide relevant services.

The method of determination of economically expedient distances of delivery of cars and repair fund for car service companies is given. The cost of delivery of cars and repair fund for 1 km to the car service companies or other transport enterprises, which accounts for 1 man-hour of labor-intensive maintenance and repair is determined.

The economically expedient delivery distances for maintenance and repair of cars by cooperation in car service companies are determined. The results of the calculations show that for taxi-driven ATP economically expedient in modern conditions of distance of delivery of cars to perform TO-1 and TO-2 are close to those recommended in literary sources. For truck and bus ATP the corresponding delivery distances for TO-1, TO-2 performance, PR jobs are significantly lower. When performing diagnostic works D-1 and D-2, most of the district works of the current repair, the economically reasonable distances of delivery to the car service companies are obtained that substantially exceed the recommendations given in the scientific literature.

Author Biographies

Yu. Kh. Savin, 1National Transport University, Kyiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor the Chair of Technical Maintenance of Vehicles and Servicing

M. V. Mytko, National Transport University, Kyiv

Рost-Graduate Student of the Chair of Technical Maintenance of Vehicles and Servicing


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Abstract views: 240



How to Cite

Y. K. Savin and M. V. Mytko, “Determination of Economic Advisable Distances of Automobile Delivery on Autoservice Enterprise”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 99–104, Apr. 2019.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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