Estimation Channel Bandwidth Rating IEEE802.11 by Using IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols


  • A. V. Levkin Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. S. Bielov Vinnytsia National Technical University



stack, protocol, TCP,, IP, network, packet transfer, IEEE802.11, wireless network


Transmission of data through wireless communication channels is carried out by the TCP / IP protocol stack. This stack of protocols should be hardware-independent, that is, applied regardless of which operating systems it operates, which communication channels are used. It provides universality to data transfer systems, however, it can negatively affect the operation of transmission channels, in particular wireless networks that have a limited data rate. Increasing redundancy in the formation of data packets may reduce the bandwidth of the channel and, accordingly, the speed of the channel. For wireless communication channels, IEEE802.11 standards achieve high speeds through the use of MIMO spatial multiplexing technology and channel bandwidth expansion through the use of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, which also use packet data and various types of IP addressing. Systems with different types of IP addressing can use Dynamic Host Configuration (DHCP) protocols, which allow to automatically receiving the required parameters for network operation. According to protocol specification, IP addressing will affect the dimension of packets and the order of its formation.

Estimating the performance of using protocols of various versions is possible with the help of maximum and average values of delta, maximum and average jitter (as variation of delay), packet delays, and bandwidth.

The analysis of possible options for improving network parameters, when applying a certain network architecture, including a two-stacked network, is a transition technology in which IPv4 and IPv6 work in tandem with a general or dedicated link; tunneling to create an overlay network that tunnels one protocol by another, encapsulating IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets and IPv4 packets in IPv6 packets; Broadcasts that facilitate the exchange of data between hosts and networks only for IPv6 and only for IPv4 by executing an IP header and converting addresses between two groups of addresses, domain name mapping, and IP addresses of the DNS protocol.

The purpose of this article is to study changes in the characteristics of the information parameter of the wireless communication channel IEEE802.11 standards when using IPv4 and IPv6 protocols of different types.

Author Biographies

A. V. Levkin, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Infocommunications, Radioelectronics and Nanosystems

V. S. Bielov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant of the Chair of Telecommunication Systems and Television


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Abstract views: 387



How to Cite

A. V. Levkin and V. S. Bielov, “Estimation Channel Bandwidth Rating IEEE802.11 by Using IPv4 and IPv6 Protocols”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 92–100, Feb. 2019.



Radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing



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