Experimental Researches to Process of Pressing of Fuel Preforms from Wood Raw Material


  • V. P. Purdyk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • N. A. Voznii Vinnytsia National Technical University




fuel briguettes, density, pressure, size, pressing, type of raw material


There has been proposed the methodology and design equipment for the determination of characteristics of the raw materials for the production of fuel briquettes. There has been considered the special stand with hydraulic actuators, which includes: equipment as a pair of "punch-matrix for pressing raw materials as waste of wood industry, briquettes; measuring and registering system based on analog-to-digital adapter and PC as well as measuring tools for precise control of weight and size of the initial dose of raw materials and the finished briquette samples after pressing. During research the following experiments were recorded in dynamic mode: multiplicatory pressure hydraulic cylinders, which defined the load level during pressing and moving the last stock that characterized speed of this process. As a result of the pilot study of density dependence was received as a leading indicator of the quality of fuel briquettes from analogue pressure, size fractions and wood waste rocks. It has been established that the influential factors in ensuring the required level of quality fuel briquette pressing, the increasing of which greatly improves the process of sealing a briquette. Also the consistent compaction in different directions affects the density of briquette positively. The increase of the size of fraction of raw materials affects the briquette industry adversely. Also the increased speed of pressing affects the sealing process adversely. The breed of wood influences insignificantly on the process of compression, it is although set that wastes of woodworking of coniferous breeds are better for pressing than the raw material of leafy breeds. The experimentally received dependencies are encouraged to be used when designing the equipment for manufacture of fuel briquettes.

Taking into account the obtained results there has been constructed the pre-production model of the automated hydrohammer for the production of fuel preforms from wood raw material on the Chair of technologies and automation of engineering of Vinnytsia National Technical University.

Author Biographies

V. P. Purdyk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Technologies and Automation of Engineering

N. A. Voznii, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Technologies and Automation of Engineering


Abstract views: 297



How to Cite

V. P. Purdyk and N. A. Voznii, “Experimental Researches to Process of Pressing of Fuel Preforms from Wood Raw Material”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 92–97, Nov. 2018.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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