Learning System for Training of Operation Personnel of TPP and NPP


  • P. M. Baran National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
  • V. P. Kidyba National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
  • Ya. D. Pryshliak National University «Lviv Polytechnic


electrical part, power unit, power plant, operational staff, learning system, subsystem


Among existing learning systems for upgrading the operational staff of electric power plants are not enough learning systems for operational control of the electric part of power units of thermal and nuclear power plants.

The developed learning system for the training of operational personnel of thermal and nuclear power plants is realized on a personal computer. It includes a subsystem of control, monitoring and signaling, a technology subsystem and a subsystem of learning. The modes of self-training, demonstration and control of knowledge are realized in a subsystem of learning. The control mode implies performing the exercise in a given scenario. Exercise time is limited. The number of mistakes is also limited. There is a possibility to apply for help in the educational system.

The peculiarities of evaluation by the learning system of knowledge of the operational staff of the electric part of the power unit of the power plant are considered in this paper. The algorithm for assessing knowledge provides monitoring of actions that are not provided by the scenario, repeatedly performed operations, actions which are performed out of a block control panel, and also actions which lead to actuating of relay protection and a panel of the technological and alarm signaling.

The training ends with the protocol, which gives the obtained evaluation and the results of the executed exercise, namely, the list of correctly executed operations, not performed actions, indicates received and lost points for each action, the lost points for the use of help, etc.

The proposed system of learning allows to estimate objectively the skills and knowledge of operation staff of an electric part of the power unit of thermal and nuclear power plants. The developed learning system allows to improve quality of training of operators of power units.

Author Biographies

P. M. Baran, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems

V. P. Kidyba, National University «Lviv Polytechnic»

ssistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems

Ya. D. Pryshliak, National University «Lviv Polytechnic

 Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems


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Abstract views: 181



How to Cite

P. M. Baran, V. P. Kidyba, and Y. D. Pryshliak, “Learning System for Training of Operation Personnel of TPP and NPP”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 119–122, Jun. 2018.



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