Solving of usual differential equalizations of the second order by hybrid method


  • H. Yu. Mekhtiieva Baku State University
  • M. N. Imanova Baku State University
  • V. R. Ibrahimov Baku State University


The decisions of many scientific and technical tasks are taken to the decision of usual differential equalizations of the second order. Being of decisions of such equalizations many well-known scientists are engaged in. However, until now effective methods are not built for being of their decisions. Therefore scientists more often come to the construction of numeral methods with new properties for a decision of UDE of the second order. Here, the construction of methods is also examined with new properties for a decision UDE of the second order. Hybrid methods are offered to that purpose.

Author Biographies

H. Yu. Mekhtiieva, Baku State University

завідувач кафедри обчислювальної математики

M. N. Imanova, Baku State University

доцент, кафедра обчислювальної математики

V. R. Ibrahimov, Baku State University

професор, кафедра обчислювальної математики


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How to Cite

H. Y. Mekhtiieva, M. N. Imanova, and V. R. Ibrahimov, “Solving of usual differential equalizations of the second order by hybrid method”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 145–149, Mar. 2013.



Fundamental sciences



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