The authentication method of subjects (objects) of interaction based on recurrent sequences


  • Yu. Ye. Yaremchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University


A method of authentication of subjects (objects) of interaction, based on the mathematical apparatus of recurrent sequences is suggested in the paper. The analysis has shown that, in general, the method has about the same level of cryptographic reliability and computational complexity as the known analogues do, but, under certain conditions, the method provides a significant speed increase as regards the authentication procedure, as well as the increase of reliability of the whole authentication process. There is also a possibility for converting the authentication methods, based on the sequence, into digital signature methods.

Author Biography

Yu. Ye. Yaremchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

професор кафедри адміністративного та інформаційного менеджменту


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Abstract views: 109

How to Cite

Y. Y. Yaremchuk, “The authentication method of subjects (objects) of interaction based on recurrent sequences”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 99–104, Jun. 2013.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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