Evaluation of the switch parameters of the memory cell based on the amorphous semiconductor material


  • V. M. Kychak Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • I. V. Slobodian Vinnytsia National Technical University


The problems of calculating and qualitative assessment of switch delay time of memory cell based on amorphous semiconductor depended on temperature and traps capture concentration are discussed. Based on the obtained formulas the graphs of delay time on temperature for different values of the ionization threshold and graphs of the delay time on the traps capture concentration for different values of hole mobility are constructed and analyzed.

Author Biographies

V. M. Kychak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Head of Department of Communication and Television

I. V. Slobodian, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD student Department of Communication and Television


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Abstract views: 151

How to Cite

V. M. Kychak and I. V. Slobodian, “Evaluation of the switch parameters of the memory cell based on the amorphous semiconductor material”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 115–117, Oct. 2013.



Radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing



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