Estimation of the geometric characteristics of the aeration zone using a single-phase buoyant flow’s models


  • O. I. Barybin Donetsk National University


The possibility of using a single-phase buoyant flow’s models to determine the geometrical characteristics of the aeration zone using jet aerators is evaluated in the paper. Results of the comparison of the calculated and experimental data obtained by the author showed that the geometric characteristics of the aeration zone can be determined by calculating the models of buoyant single-phase jets, with the initial gas content being considered as 20 %.

Author Biography

O. I. Barybin, Donetsk National University

junior researcher, department of physics of nonequilibrium processes, metrology and Ecology


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Abstract views: 113

How to Cite

O. I. Barybin, “Estimation of the geometric characteristics of the aeration zone using a single-phase buoyant flow’s models”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 23–25, Oct. 2013.



Ecology, ecological cybernetics and chemical technologies



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